Faction Wars Rules
Line-Up Creation: Place a number of line-up cards in the center equal to the number of players plus one.

Setup for a three player game
Recruit Deck: Shuffle the recruit deck and place it beside the line-up area.
Selector Cards: Distribute a set of selector cards to each player, equal to the number of players plus one.
Goal Cards: Give each player a goal card face down. Players may view their goal cards but must keep them hidden from others.
Conscript Cards: Give each player a set of conscript cards as their starter battle deck.
Initial Line-Up: Fill the line-up with cards drawn from the recruit deck.
Card Selection: Each player chooses a recruit by placing a selector card face down in front of them that corresponds to the recruit’s position in the line-up.
Reveal: Once all players have chosen, everyone reveals their selector cards simultaneously.
- If a player is the sole selector of a recruit, they add it to their battle deck discard pile.
- If multiple players select the same recruit, a battle is triggered.
Battle: Each participating player reveals the top card of their battle deck. The player with the highest card value claims the recruit.
In the event of a tie*, the battle continues, with each tied player revealing the next top card of their battle deck until a winner is determined or a player exhausts their deck.
All revealed cards are placed into the discard pile of the player’s battle deck. If all players run out of cards and the tie remains unresolved, the contested recruit is discarded, and no player claims it.
After the resolution of the battle, players who have depleted their battle deck must shuffle their discard pile to form a new battle deck.
*Ties involving conscripts are resolved using traditional Rock-Paper-Scissors rules, based on the symbols displayed on the conscript cards:
- Rock beats Scissors
- Paper beats Rock
- Scissors beats Paper
In games involving three or more players, it is possible for no clear winner to emerge. In such cases, the contested recruit is discarded, and no player claims it.
Discard and Refill: After resolving selections, discard the remaining line-up cards and refill the line-up with new cards from the recruit deck.
Deck Depletion: When the recruit deck is empty, shuffle the discard pile to form a new recruit deck.
NOTE: Collected cards are always added to the discard pile of the player’s battle deck.
The game concludes after the recruit deck is depleted a set number of times:
- 2–3 players: Twice
- 4–5 players: Three times
Players total the point values of their recruits, subtract any penalties from collected bystanders, and add a bonus if their goal has been met. The player with the highest score wins.
Certain cards have unique abilities that activate upon collection:
Special Actions: Some recruits possess abilities that trigger when they are collected, either directly from the line-up or through another action or special ability.
Action Cards: Upon collection, perform the action specified on the card and then discard it. Abilities of recruits collected through action cards are also activated.
NOTE: If an action requires a player to remove a recruit from their battle deck, the player must immediately shuffle their remaining cards to form a new battle deck.
Berserkers: Berserkers score points based on their quantity. The total score is equal to the number of Berserkers you own, with each individual Berserker earning an equal value. For example, owning one Berserker scores 1 point, owning two scores 2 points each (totaling 4 points), and so on. In battles, a Berserker has a value of 2.
Buccaneers: When a Buccaneer is collected, the player randomly selects one of the recruits from another player, activates any abilities associated with the selected card, and adds it to their own battle deck discard pile.
Bystanders: Innocent Bystanders, representing victims of the warring factions, are placed into another player's battle deck discard pile when collected. They negatively impact the recipient’s score and are not considered recruits.
Conscripts: Conscripts form the foundation of your army. They are not considered recruits and, as such, do not contribute to scoring at the end of the game.
Gamblers: When a Gambler is collected, the player draws the top card from the recruit deck and activates any abilities associated with the drawn card.
Kunoichi: When a Kunoichi is collected, the player randomly selects a recruit from another player and discards it to the recruit deck’s discard pile.
Bonus Cards: Fair Winds, Gatling Gun, Kuji-kiri, and Odin’s Favor each award 1 point for every card you own within their respective factions. For example, possessing Fair Winds along with four additional Pirate recruits would result in a total of 5 points at the end of the game.

Setup for a three player game

Card Selection: Each player chooses a recruit by placing a selector card face down in front of them that corresponds to the recruit’s position in the line-up.
Reveal: Once all players have chosen, everyone reveals their selector cards simultaneously.
- If a player is the sole selector of a recruit, they add it to their battle deck discard pile.
- If multiple players select the same recruit, a battle is triggered.
Battle: Each participating player reveals the top card of their battle deck. The player with the highest card value claims the recruit.
In the event of a tie*, the battle continues, with each tied player revealing the next top card of their battle deck until a winner is determined or a player exhausts their deck.
All revealed cards are placed into the discard pile of the player’s battle deck. If all players run out of cards and the tie remains unresolved, the contested recruit is discarded, and no player claims it.
After the resolution of the battle, players who have depleted their battle deck must shuffle their discard pile to form a new battle deck.
*Ties involving conscripts are resolved using traditional Rock-Paper-Scissors rules, based on the symbols displayed on the conscript cards:
- Rock beats Scissors
- Paper beats Rock
- Scissors beats Paper
In games involving three or more players, it is possible for no clear winner to emerge. In such cases, the contested recruit is discarded, and no player claims it.
Discard and Refill: After resolving selections, discard the remaining line-up cards and refill the line-up with new cards from the recruit deck.
Deck Depletion: When the recruit deck is empty, shuffle the discard pile to form a new recruit deck.
NOTE: Collected cards are always added to the discard pile of the player’s battle deck.
The game concludes after the recruit deck is depleted a set number of times:
- 2–3 players: Twice
- 4–5 players: Three times
Players total the point values of their recruits, subtract any penalties from collected bystanders, and add a bonus if their goal has been met. The player with the highest score wins.
Certain cards have unique abilities that activate upon collection:

NOTE: If an action requires a player to remove a recruit from their battle deck, the player must immediately shuffle their remaining cards to form a new battle deck.

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